fredag 17 september 2010

Blogcandy hos

På tide med en blog candy igjen :-)

Ser at bloggen min straks runder 200 følgere. Flere nye, faste, koselige "kommentatorer" har dukket opp i det siste. Og da er det jammen på tide med en liten candy her :-) Det eneste du trenger å gjøre for å være med i trekningen, er å kommentere i dette innlegget innen utgangen av september. Selvfølgelig er det koselig om du vil nevne candyen i bloggen din, og bli følger hvis du ikke er det fra før, men det er ikke nødvendig for å bli med i trekningen.

Blogcandy hos

These are my conditions in order to be eligible for my Blog candy.
1st Leave a message
2nd Become a follower if you aren't already
3rd Place a picture of my candy on your side bar with a link back to my blog
Easy enough right. Please help spread the word.
I will choose a winner on September 20th using random org.
Thanks for popping over to visit. I can't wait to hear from you! Hugs Bonnie


Lothian Crafts Challenge 6

Lothian Crafts Online blog candy
This month to celebrate our 4th birthday we are giving away
4 packs of promarkers and 4 magnolia rubber stamps.
So what do you have to do to win the candy?
1. Become a follower = one entry
2. Post about our candy on your blog = one entry
3. Add our blinkie = one entry

Blogcandy hos

I hope you will be as excited as I am on this blog candy. Eeeeeeeek, I luvvvvvvrrrr it. And guess what? It's going to be my blog candy for September. Oh I'm so excited! So spread the word, this candy will end September 30th!

The scoop: This set won't be sent to me till late September or early October. So when I do get it is when I will send it out. Plus, I'm stamping one image for myself. You will get the original rubber stamp version.  LOL. Just so you know. :)

In order to enter this blog candy drawing you must:
  1. Be a follower of my blog. If you haven't already, follow my blog by clicking on the "Follow" button on my side bar.
  2. Post this blog candy on your blog or sidebar with a link back to this blog candy.
  3. Only 1 entry per person. That's it! This blog candy will end September 30st at 11:59PM, Eastern Time. The winner will be posted on October 1, 2010.

måndag 13 september 2010

Blogcandy hos


Jag har bestämt mig för att ha en blogcandy för att fira alla mina goa besökare =D
Det är ett dekorationspaket med bland annat blommor, band, kakservetter och 5 magnoliastämplar.

I've decided to have a blogcandy to celebrate all my sweet visitors =D
It's a decorationpackage with flowers, pearls, stickles and 5 magnoliastamps.

Blogcandyn slutar den 15e oktober.

Vill du vinna paketet? Då är det bara att:

1. Lägg till dig som följare av min blogg.
2. Lägg upp bilden ovanför i din blogg.
3. Länka till detta inlägg.
4. Skriv en kommentar under detta inlägg.


Ying's Birthday Blog Candy Giveaway~~ New Magnolia rubberstamps(Cozy Autumn Collection)

Here it isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...........

I know you are so curious and interested about what blog candy I offer this time ??
Hmmmm....Magnolia rubberstamps Sweden is so generous that they sponsor me their 8 new rubberstamps...they are the most generous stamping company in the, here is the rubberstamps that they sponsor, they are from Cozy Autumn Collection:

Lovely Tilda,Popcorn Box,Sleeping Baby Tilda
Sister and Brother,Tilda with cherries, Tilda with Lace Flag,Twin Tilda
Tilda in Windy Weather ( the front page on Cozy Autumn magazine, made by Lillemor)
and one Magnolia Doohickeys Die( Paris Night)

I also added one package of crystal garland and one package of gardenia flowers to this blog candy.

I have 8 rubberstamps now and I am thinking that to have chance for everyone to win the how? I divide all of you to 4 categories here, and each categories will have one person to win 2 rubberstamps, so we have 4 winners.

Among the 4 winners one lucky person will have the chance to win the Magnolia Doohickeys dies, crystal garland and gardenia flowers along with the 2 rubberstamps.I will use to help me pick the lucky winners.

The four categories are:
Edit: Someone request that I miss Africa, so I will combine it with Asia. So sorry, I just have 8 rubberstamps to share with four categories:-(

A) Asia and Africa ( one person will win 2 rubberstamps)

B) Europe(one person will win 2 rubberstamps)

C) North and South America(one person will win 2 rubberstamps)

D) Australia and New Zealand.(one person will win 2 rubberstamps)

So, how to participate ? It's easy, just follow below's  instructions.( You need to have a blog to participate, I am sorry)

1) Enter your name and blog address at the Mr. Linky. Please fill in your categories after your name. For example if you live in Netherlands, you are in the categories B.

2) be my blog follower. I have the follower widget at my blog's right side bar.
3) Leave a comment for this post, let me know you want , you want the blog candy:-)) LOL

4) Copy above blog candy picture, add it at your blog's side bar and link back to my blog candy post.
5) Make a post at your blog to let more and more people know about my blog candy.


OK...I thank you for your participation.....but you know when I will annouce the winners? We have 27 days to have this fun game and
I will annouce the winners on 28th September 2010.
Why 28th September?? You guess.......

It's a special day for me......
because my birthday is on 28th September.....I wish to celebrate this special day with all of you because of your support, concern and friendship.....but I won't tell you how old I am.....but I can let you know that I am an old DT for Magnolia....LOL


♥ Hi everyone! ♥
I feel it is time for a little blogcandy,
to celebrate I nearly got 50.000 visitors at
my Magnoliablog sence I started as Dt at
Magnolia in june 2009.

Magnolia is sponsoring the lovely
 DooHickey's Cutting Dies - Doily Flowers.
I also give away two stamps for the season,
the death's-head and the lamp pole.
I have added Flowers, rhinestones and
some charms aswell.

All you have to do to join this blogcandy is to leave
a comment here below and put a post on your
blog about my blogcandy.
This blogcandy lasts until the 24/9 24.00
swedish time and I will announce the winner
on the 25/9.

If you don´t have a blog you can join anyway.
Just leave a comment and come back and
check the 25th of Septenber if you´re the
lucky one in this candy! 


lördag 11 september 2010

Stämpelförvaring BIA (Bind It All)

Detta är mina första BIA (Bind It All) alster, och jag blev supernöjd. Nu har jag nämligen koll på mina stämplar.
Jag har använt mig av vanliga tallriksunderlägg i plast till framsidor.

Jag har laminerade blad till att fästa stämplarna på och så har jag använt mig av vanliga (lite hårdare) plastmappar som jag har skurit till som mellanblad för att skydda stämplarna.

Valmöjligheterna är oändliga. Se bilden nedan på underlägg som jag har köpt på Åhlens, Mio Möbler och ICA Maxi

Jag har även gjort ett litet album av underlägg från IKEA som jag har skurit till en mindre framsida av. Albumet är färdigt att dekoreras.

Grattiskort till födelsedagsswapp

Jag embossade för första gången och så fick jag använda min nya personliga stämpel på detta kort!

LO Morfar

Pappas 70 årsdag i december 2009
